Tales from the crypt

Social Media

5 Instagram Story features to boost engagement

Since Instagram Story features were introduced in 2016, the platform has taken social media by storm, creating a whole new approach to communicating and sharing ...read more

Instagram strategy: Setting your business goals

So your small business has taken off, and now you want to tell the world about it. You’ve set up an Instagram business profile, added ...read more

Social media monitoring: Turning criticism into opportunity

It’s no secret, social platforms have revolutionised the way we do business. Clients now have an insiders perspective into your business as well as a ...read more

What is a Facebook Lookalike Audience and how do I create one?

Not sure whether or not you are targeting the right group of people in your ads on Facebook? Well, using a Lookalike Audience will certainly ...read more

Deciphering modern social media jargon

The phenomenon of social media has taken the world by storm. Being a bit old-school myself, I understand how daunting it is to start marketing ...read more

Get more engagement with Instagram’s humble hashtag (a three point plan to using hashtags in Instagram)

Do you want more interactions with your posts on social media? Of course, you do – but wouldn’t you rather have meaningful interactions? And what ...read more

The golden rules of effective social media communication

Are you ready to start building your brand’s presence on social media platforms? Getting followers is simply the first step of your community-building process. What ...read more

Instagram’s 5 hottest updates in 2018 and how they’ll help you gain Instagram followers

Instagram is one of our favourite social media platforms, it’s a fantastic tool to create a buzz around your business and build your brand’s personality. ...read more

How to Get Reviews on Google in 6 Easy Steps

As we all know, Google My Business is a great way to showcase your business (for free!) in Google’s search results pages and also next ...read more

Promoting Your Event With Facebook Marketing

By now, you no doubt realise and appreciate the value of using social media platforms to promote your own business. A website is a great ...read more