Tales from the crypt

Studio News

Cultivating a culture of team collaboration

Team collaboration in the workplace is the key to success in our ever-changing world. Every day we face new and unpredictable challenges. Whether you are ...read more

Celebrating Christmas in July: Spreading the ‘Middlemas’ joy

‘Tis the season and we did not need a reason to spread the joy of Middlemas. If you are wondering ‘what is Middlemas?’, then you ...read more

10 Important office etiquette rules every professional should follow

The office – a place where we spend most of our time, more than our own homes, so it comes as no surprise that most ...read more

Simple and Effective Ways to Create a Zen Office Space

Eight hours a day, five days a week – for the majority of us, the office is like our second home. It’s the space where ...read more

Happy Birthday to us: Celebrating Two Years of Creative Paradise

It’s birthday month for Brand Candy. On the first of March, we celebrated our second birthday, which of course, called for a celebration. It’s hard ...read more

Productivity in 2017

The year is back in full swing! The excitement of the new year is slowly fading, and resolutions are starting to take a back seat. ...read more

WordPress Meetups – Q&A with successful business owners

WordPress Meetups in Durban are held at The Green Door in Glenwood, and this month’s will be hosted by the Brand Candy team. We host ...read more

Onwards And Upwards – To Creative Paradise We Go!

Some of you may have heard a little bit of twittering amongst the birdies of the local grapevine over the last month. And it is ...read more

Kablooey Studios TV Debut On Think Big SA!

One of our Kablooey Studio Monsters will make his celebrity debut in an interview on the new TV show, Think Big SA! Richard Burgess our ...read more